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Topic: ASK ANDY: What Are 5 Hotel Gym Hacks If There’s Limited Equipment? (Read 120 times) previous topic - next topic

ASK ANDY: What Are 5 Hotel Gym Hacks If There’s Limited Equipment?

ASK ANDY: What Are 5 Hotel Gym Hacks If There’s Limited Equipment?

[html]As an actor, every once in a while, I get booked to play a character on a show that films at some amazing location, such as Tulum, Mexico, where I just returned from. Production put me in a resort that was first class, but the hotel gym — like many such institutions — left much […]

As an actor, every once in a while, I get booked to play a character on a show that films at some amazing location, such as Tulum, Mexico, where I just returned from. Production put me in a resort that was first class, but the hotel gym — like many such institutions — left much to be desired. I don’t blame the resorts; it’s a question of square footage versus how many guests will actually exercise while staying there (I was in the hotel gym twice a day for eight days and I saw a total of two people). So, for the fitness enthusiasts out there, how do we find a way to push ourselves when our hotel gym is so much less impressive than our home gym?

First, we must remember two rules of travel fitness: First, don’t co*pare your travel workouts to your regular workouts — there is no reason to! And second, any workout is exponentially better than no workout.

That said, sometimes we must get creative and find ways to acco*plish our goals. Here are five ways to get a good workout in when your hotel gym is lacking:


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Source: ASK ANDY: What Are 5 Hotel Gym Hacks If There’s Limited Equipment? (http://ht**://www.muscleandfitness.c**/workouts/workout-tips/ask-andy-5-unique-exercises-for-a-basic-hotel-gym/)