If you’re looking for something more effective than citronella candles and less disruptive than bug zappers, the ThermaCell line of products are the answer to your mosquito free prayers. The EX90 uses a rechargeable battery and just one consumptive refill. While the EX90 isn’t ideal for taking on a backpacking trip or a hike due to its size, it is a great option for RVing, car camping, and the backyard. The device takes 15 minutes to create a protective bubble and will provide protection for nine hours on a single charge. To use the device, press and hold the button, the lights will flash, and then stop flashing. After the heat-up time you’ll have a 20 foot mosquito-free 20 zone. One thing to keep in mind is this device will not work as well when it’s windy.
When hiking into tick and mosquito country it’s nice to have small bottle of heavy protection so you can reapply as needed. That’s when I’d reco*mend bringing Repel 100. It’s a small bottle that uses a pump applicator to spray a 98 percent DEET formula. Just a few squirts onto your exposed will keep biting insects away for hours. There are two main drawbacks with Repel 100. Frist, the pump applicator shoots out a small amount of repellent, so it’s not great for covering your full body. Second, some campers simply don’t want to use DEET because it’s not a natural product, and it has an extremely strong odor. But, if you don’t mind a little DEET then this is one of the best mosquito repellents to store in your pack for keeping the little nasties away.
We typically think of mosquito repellent as something that co*es in a bottle, usually aerosol, and is fogged onto our clothes and skin. But, repellent lotions are an effective alternative, which I found ideal for applying to my ears and neck. You apply the Sawyer Picaridin Lotion like sunscreen, and it doesn’t leave a film on your skin. It’s also fairly odorless and lasts a long time. So long, in fact, that my eight hour test day wasn’t long enough to hit its max protection window. However, it’s not easy to apply to your whole body. And while this repellent lotion isn’t a co*plete solution, it does fill a niche in your mosquito protection arsenal.
If you spend time outdoors in an area with ticks or chiggers, there’s no better solution for keeping them off your skin than treating your clothing with Permethrin. But, it’s also an effective mosquito repellent. The caveats are that Permethrin only goes onto clothing, so you must be wearing long pants and sleeves treated with this repellent for it to work. And you’ll still need to hit spots not covered by clothing like your hands, neck, and ears with a skin safe repellent.
Permethrin isn’t like a standard insect repellent because you don’t apply right before you head outdoors. You have to apply it to clothing in advance and allow it to dry. Sawyer claims that once treated, it lasts for six weeks or six washes. If you treat your best hiking shoes, hiking shirt, hiking pants, and even your tent before you leave for the trip, you’ll be covered for tick and mosquito protection all week.
The Katchy indoor trap is aesthetically pleasing, quiet, and effective. Simply turn off all the lights at night allowing the Katchy UV light to be the only light in the room so all of the bugs are drawn into the trap. Once they get close to the light, a fan sucks them into the device where a slim paper glue trap captures and kills the pests. It takes a few days or up to a week to notice a real difference but it works best when placed next to a fruit bowl or garbage can.
After just two days my trap already contained a number of insects. Simply press a lever and lift the unit off its base to reveal the glue trap co*partment and easily replace it with a fresh board. There is also a low power setting for a dimmer light and slower fan. If you’re looking for an indoor insect trap to keep bugs from taking over your home, this one is an excellent choice. I only wish the fan was a little stronger to suck insects in faster and from a greater distance.
ThermaCells require zero spraying or application of repellent to your skin or clothing. It’s a device with a heating element and a repellent mat warms over the element. The concept is similar to a citronella candle, but the ThermaCell is far more effective. They are so effective that I won’t hunt or camp in the presence of mosquitoes without one of these devices. You do have to refill the fuel and repellent mats, which adds up over time. And It also doesn’t work when there’s a strong breeze because the fumes it creates are pushed away from you.
There are several models to choose from, but the MR450 is the best mosquito repellent device for taking with you on the go. It’s easy to cary in backpack or attached to your hip. Mine goes with me on every hunt, picnic, fishing trip, and backyard bonfire. I especially like it for early spring when annoying gnats terrorize me and no sprays will keep them away. But, the ThermaCell keeps gnats and mosquitoes from getting close.