Tournament anglers need to know the individual and cumulative weights of the fish in their livewells to ensure quick and accurate culling decisions. After all, the inadvertent loss of even a single ounce can result in missing out on a win, and the dollars that co*e with it. This scale is precisely made for bass anglers’ needs—sure, it will weigh other fish, but it’s a mini-co*puter that helps you quickly get rid of your smallest fish and get back to casting. It even co*es with numbered cull floats so you can easily get rid of your smallest fish, per the stored information. The Rapala scale co*es with a soft storage bag with operation instructions sewn in, and it can be expected to run up to 400 hours on two AA batteries.
Unlike an electronic scale, which may unexpectedly get out of whack, a spring scale retains its reliability even after long periods of time and abuse. They may be simple, but they’re near bulletproof, and this is one of the best fish scales that can be certified by the IGFA for record-seeking purposes. Whether you’re chasing tiny fish that require small gradations or much bigger specimens, one of the 11 different sizes will cover your needs. I’ve also seen billfish captains and mates in Latin America use these scales to test the drags on their reels to ensure maximum hookups and landings. They stand up to saltwater exceptionally well and feature the best of the best co*ponents.
My Boga works fine on local “basic” species like bass when I just want an accurate weight, but it has really shined on trips to the Amazon and for saltwater species, where their strength portends possible danger or injury. On one payara trip in Brazil, our guide had a cut-rate version, and when a 10-pounder thrashed, the claws that hold the fish bent out, leaving a flopping prehistoric creature at the bottom of the boat. We had no such problems with the Boga, even with fish weighing almost three times that much. The simple one-hand operation remains functional even after bouncing through rapids or getting jostled in my luggage, and with no maintenance at all. I’m not a record hunter, but if I were, I’d have mine certified.
T-H Marine has virtually cornered the market on freshwater boating accessories, but that often hides their attention to other products that make life better for recreational and tournament anglers. This is one of them, a scale that handles up to 55 pounds of weight and measures temperature. Moreover, it has a built-in measuring tape, so if you want to get your trophy catch’s dimensions for a replica mount, you don’t have to search separately for a way to figure out length and girth. The screen is easy to read, but the J hook may have trouble holding onto flopping fish without injuring them.
Many quality scales weigh fish up to 15 or 30 pounds, but beyond that it’s tough to find one that’s durable, accurate, and built through and through to handle giant catches. This one, especially if you buy the version with the full-sized fish grip, is up to the task. It’s rugged, with a handle that allows for two-handed lifting, and auto-locks the weight with an audible beep after one and a half seconds. It also has other features, like automatic shut-off and an outside temperature reading, but its most essential purpose is getting a true weight on big fish and then getting them back into the water. When weighing large fish, don’t hold them by their jaws, which can damage them. Instead, I reco*mend a fish cradle or your net for weighing fish like musky.
Different anglers have different needs when purchasing a scale. For some of us, it’s just verifying that we didn’t “big eye” our catch and then inadvertently lie to our friends. For others, it’s ensuring that they get rid of their smallest fish on tournament day to present the largest possible limit to the weighmaster. Still, others need a tool that can be used to back up a state or world record application. Find the one that’s best for you.
Different scales have different maximum weights and different increments in which they measure them. You don’t need to go overboard, but still make sure that you exceed your maximum possible catch so that you don’t “bottom out” the scale and return with an unverifiable fish story. If you need precision, hundreds of a pound or kilogram are better than 4- or 8-ounce increments.
Repeatedly test your scale for accuracy, measuring a series of known items, like exercise weights or kitchen items. You might look funny using it in the meat department of the grocery store, but this is serious business. If it’s not accurate, return or replace it.
Anything with electronics may react negatively to being jarred. If you’re going to take bumpy boat rides or pack the scale in your luggage, buy one that’s bulletproof, and if necessary, replace any simple included case with something padded. In the heat of the moment it’s easy to mistreat it, but an ounce of prevention will keep a quality scale going for a long time.
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The best fish scales provide accurate weights and will last through years of hard use. Choose the scale that best fits your needs and buy the best one you can afford.
The post The Best Fish Scales of 2023 appeared first on Outdoor Life.
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