You also need to be aware of ETIAS, which stands for the European Travel Information and Authorisation System. Scheduled to start in late 2023, travellers that currently do not need a visa to visit EU member countries will require an ETIAS.
This collects a co*prehensive data set (including biometric data) on the traveller. The ETIAS would screen travellers prior their arrival to Europe and would prevent individuals who pose a security threat from entering the EU.
Currently, there are approximately 60 countries whose citizens are permitted to enter the EU and Schengen member countries without the need to obtain a visa, of which the UK is one.
There will be a fee attached to each application (currently set at 7 Euros) and the application process is planned to take no more than 10 minutes. ETIAS applications will support mobile, desktop and mobile devices.
As the UK is a contracting party to the 1990 Istanbul Convention GB recreational boaters may now be able to temporarily import fuel, that is bought legally elsewhere, into the EU provided:
However, be aware it is possible that issues may still be experienced when boating in some EU Member States. To minimise the risk, keep receipts for diesel purchased in the UK, to prove that it was bought in the UK, and request that your retailer marks them “duty paid”. Also log the date of refuelling and engine hours to reinforce these records;
Before leaving check that you have;
Government Guidance (formally known as Notice which provides more information than this article, explains all the requirements for private individuals who sail their pleasure craft to and from the UK can be found on the gov.uk website.
This digital pleasure craft report is a one-stop service, recording all necessary information for both Border Force and HMRC. If you have any difficulties using the sPCR the helpdesk can be contacted by emailing SPCR@homeoffice.gov.uk
Posting a paper form remains an option if submitting your report online is impractical. A pleasure craft report (sPCR) fallback template is also provided.
The excel version will allow data to be submitted by email to the National Yachtline (tel: 0300 123 2012 open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week), and the relevant regional Border Force co*mand – it may not be suitable for co*pletion on mobile devices (e.g. smart phone or tablet). These forms can be downloaded from the gov.uk website.
You will need all your vessels details to hand such as Hull Identification Number, Call sign etc. You will also need the passport or travel document details for all people on board etc. It would be advisable to study the form and collate all the data required well in advance of your proposed departure date!
The current C1331 PDF form can still be downloaded and posted if required. However, wherever possible, Border Force encourages the use of the new digital service – sPCR. If you are using the Pleasure Craft Report Service (sPCR) you should submit your voyage plan at least two hours before you depart, but no more than 24 hours before you depart.
You must advise if your departure is delayed or abandoned. If you submitted an:
The Mercator training ship in the heart of Ostend harbour. Photo: Peter Cumberlidge
On entering the Schengen area from a non-Schengen country (or when leaving the Schengen area for a non-Schengen country – i.e. returning to the UK), you should obtain immigration clearance via the port authorities.
Article 11 of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 as amended (the Regulation) requires your passport is stamped (which may be done electronically) on entry into the Schengen area you will need to ensure it is also stamped on departure otherwise in the eyes of the immigration authorities you may never have left.
Where the means of transport is a pleasure boat a derogation is provided in Annex VI to the Regulation. The derogation states: “a pleasure boat co*ing from a third country may, exceptionally, enter a port which is not a border crossing point.”
However, the onus in on the people onboard to seek authorisation to enter the port from the port authorities. The port authorities should then notify the nearest port designated as a border crossing point or Designated Entry Port (PPF), of the vessel’s arrival.
A vessel arriving in a country (from outside its customs and or immigration territory) should fly the Q Flag until it has been given clearance from the authorities. Even once clearance has been given, some countries may require you to report at each port of call or ask to inspect the vessel’s papers periodically.
The inner harbour at the attractive seaside town of Binic in Brittany. Photo: Peter Cumberlidge
On arrival in France directly from the UK (or another third country) you will need to clear immigration.
Although the Schengen Border Code provides a derogation which allows a pleasure boat co*ing from a third country to exceptionally, enter a port which is not a recognised sea border crossing point, you will still need to clear immigration on arrival which may involve everyone onboard travelling overland to the immigration office (Police aux Frontières – PAF) at the nearest sea border crossing point.
It is therefore reco*mended that you plan to enter France from the UK, the Channel Islands or another third country at a recognised Schengen sea border crossing point (Designated Entry Port – PPF).
In practice, how you co*plete the necessary formalities on arrival in France isn’t standardised. Sometimes a form called a Préavis Police aux Frontières must be submitted in advance of arrival at other co*pleted on arrival.
Reports from other boaters suggest that having a copy of the préavis with you when visiting the PAF is worthwhile. Submitting the préavis may result in you being given an appointment to clear immigration or you may need to find the PAF yourself on arrival.
It is worth investigating this in advance in case there are limited opening hours or the PAF are located somewhere it is difficult to get to. Most large French marinas have a downloadable ‘préavis immigration’ form on their website.
The lifting bridge leading to Dunkirk’s inner marina. Photo: Peter Cumberlidge
* Ports with a ‘Preavis Immigration’ form
Although Boulogne is officially a Designated Entry Port (PPF), there are no PAF officials locally to process arrivals and departures, with some arrivals being advised to travel by train to Calais for processing.
If your chosen port does not have such a ‘Preavis Immigration’ form, then you will need to select another arrival port which either has such a form or is an actual Port of Entry.
The same process should be followed for departure. Remember, it is even more important that passports are stamped on departure.
You’ll need permission to enter Dover Harbour – England’s busiest port. Photo: Peter Cumberlidge
You must tell HMRC if your pleasure craft is arriving into the UK from anywhere outside of UK.
For journeys that you must report, you must fly the yellow Q flag as soon as you enter UK waters (the 12-mile limit). Make sure the flag can easily be seen and do not take it down until you’ve finished reporting to customs authorities. If you do not co*ply you will be liable to a penalty.
If you use a C1331 print and post form, you will need to contact the National Yachtline (telephone: 0300 123 2012 open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to notify your arrival.
You must co*plete and submit a digital pleasure craft report (using the digital service or the alternative as detailed above). Unless you have already received clearance to enter the UK. You will need to co*ply with any further instructions that you are given.
(1) Amsterdam Ijmond (2) Den Helder (3) Dordrecht (4) Eemshaven (5) Gent-Terneuzen (6) Harlingen (7) Hoek van Holland/Europoort ( Moerdijk (9) Rotterdam-Havens (10) Scheveningen (11) Vlissingen (12) Ijmuiden
This advice has been prepared by MBY and they have tried to ensure that the contents are accurate. However, skippers should seek their own advice prior to departure to be sure they have the latest information available and are co*pliant with the appropriate legislation, rules and regulations in the UK and countries to be visited. MBY, its employees and contributors shall not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience of any kind arising in connection with the use of this advice, save to the extent required by applicable law.
This article Boating in Europe: Everything you need to know about visiting Schengen Area countries appeared first on Motor Boat & Yachting.