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Topic: Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations (Read 78 times) previous topic - next topic

Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations

Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations


Cancel culture clearly skipped over Chris D’Elia’s career. In 2020, he was accused of preying on and having se*ual encounters with underage girls. D’Elia denied the allegations, stated that his relationships had been “consensual and legal,” and claimed to be undergoing therapy for se* addiction. After this, D’Elia…



Source: Chris D’Elia suffers cancellation of one whole show amidst renewed misconduct allegations (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/chris-delia-show-canceled-more-misconduct-allegations-1849954307)