Why It Made the Cut
The SIRT is the safest way I am aware of to get acquainted with a handgun and is ideal for new gun owners and novice shooters.
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The SIRT pistol is not a gun and is not capable of firing ammunition. It mimics the shape and basic function of the best handguns and has a self-resetting trigger. This is important because the gun you own is not capable of truly realistic multiple shot trigger pulls unless it’s a revolver. With virtually all semi-auto handguns, only the first trigger pull is realistic in dry fire because the slide only resets the trigger pull in recoil.
The SIRT features two lasers that are connected to the trigger. One laser shines when the trigger pull begins, and the second activates at the final press of the trigger. This is very useful for a novice shooter because you can see when you have touched the trigger, when the shot breaks, and where a bullet would have gone.
Another great thing about the SIRT is that it can be used for force-on-force training. You can simulate a defensive environment and know immediately whether a “shot” hit your assailant. I would never participate in a training session that allowed a real handgun to be pointed at a human being, but I would have no problem training with a SIRT against other people in a safe environment with no actual firearms in the room.
The SIRT is also useful in a home where the entire family has access to a defensive handgun. The whole family needs to be able to use the gun co*petently but may not be interested in the extensive study of shooting. The SIRT allows them to practice everything needed for self-defense in the home without ever leaving the house and address questions like: Where is the gun? How long does it take to get to it? Do I have an acceptable grip? Can I operate the trigger under stress without disturbing the sight picture? Do I have the will to point a firearm at another human in self-defense? It can also be used to get a new concealed carrier accustomed to carrying a gun, as well as putting that gun into action from wherever you carry it.
My only issue with the SIRT is that you need to look away from the sight picture to determine the location of the hit, which isn’t ideal in the higher levels of shooting and co*petition. However, for developing shooters, the SIRT is a great tool and the only tool I know of that can be used for co*pletely safe training around other humans in any environment.
Why It Made the Cut
The CoolFire system provides the recoil that is missing from most dry fire training systems and should appeal to people that believe that dry fire by itself is not realistic enough to be useful.
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The CoolFire system is one of few dry fire aids that simulates recoil with your own gun. It does this by replacing your gun’s barrel with one that is charged with CO2. The hammer or striker of your gun strikes a valve on the CoolFire barrel, and the co*pressed air causes the slide to cycle which provides a recoil effect and resets the trigger of your semi-automatic pistol. This provides a simulation of recoil and allows more realistic multiple shots in dry fire.
I tested the CoolFire with a Glock 34 equipped with a red dot sight. Installation for the CoolFire barrel and recoil spring was quick, as was charging the barrel with CO2 gas. The system includes a plastic spacer that is placed in the pistol magazine on top of live rounds or dummy ammunition that allows the slide to cycle without interfering with the ammo or snap caps in the magazine. A handgun is not capable of firing live ammo with the CoolFire system installed, but I would still reco*mend using dummy rounds or snap caps to provide realistic weight in the magazine.
The recoil provided by the CoolFire is about as powerful as live fire recoil and may be slightly more violent the lighter handloads frequently used in the “minor” power factor divisions of USPSA and other practical pistol sports. I fired 12 rapid shots with the Glock, and it felt fairly realistic. While the CoolFire recoil feels like live fire recoil, it doesn’t look the same. The red dot on the Glock 34 actually dipped below the aiming point in recoil instead of rising up like it does in live fire. This is not a problem for newer shooters but is not ideal for more experienced shooters who are learning to pay more attention to the sight picture during recoil as opposed to just before and after recoil.
With the CoolFire there is a sight picture, a disturbance in the sight picture as the gun recoils, and then another sight picture. This is good, but it’s not the same disturbance in the sight picture that happens when a live round is fired. I have worked with many clients who like to use the CoolFire at the end of a traditional dry fire session to remind themselves that the gun will recoil in live fire and to make sure their grip is appropriate.
If you want the gun to recoil in dry fire, the CoolFire is one of the best dry fire training systems for this purpose, and might be the only option if you want to use your own gun. It’s also the only way I know of to reset a semi-automatic handgun trigger during dry fire. It was necessary to recharge the CoolFire barrel with CO2 often, with faster trigger presses requiring more frequent charging. Another thing to note is that the recoil impulse changes as the CO2 beco*es depleted. The slide begins to move slower as the gas runs out and eventually stops until the unit is charged again.
I would reco*mend the CoolFire to any shooter who needs to get accustomed to handling recoil, especially someone with limited access to live fire. They just need to understand that the sight picture will look different in recoil than it does in live fire. And I would absolutely reco*mend the CoolFire system to anyone who tends to flinch in anticipation of recoil, particularly a new shooter who may have an actual fear of recoil.
Why It Made the Cut
There’s a big difference between practicing and practicing with intent, and this book of dry fire drills helps co*petitive shooters develop and refine skills needed for USPSA co*petitions.
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I have to drive an hour to a range I can shoot and move or practice any type of USPA drill. Add on my dwindling supply of pre-2020 ammo, and it’s obvious why I don’t live fire as much as I’d like. But, shooting is a perishable skill and to stay co*petent I rely on dry fire. But, if your dry fire practice is just ripping your gun from the holster as fast as you can and reloading as fast as you can, you’re not doing much to improve your skills. I know because that’s what I did for a year and it got me nowhere.
Refinement and Repetition was the missing key. It gave me goals and a roadmap to go from a barely C class shooter to someone that can hang with the B class shooters in a very short time. It’s not a book you read and then magically know how to shoot, but instead it’s a book that gives instructions for drills and speed benchmarks for those drills. Each drill is designed to improve the skills you’ll need for USPA stages, qualifier stages in particular.
To use the book, you’ll use a shot timer with the par timer setting. I use a shot timer app that I can connect to my wireless headphones so I’m not driving my wife and dogs crazy with constant beeping. Another key piece of gear are magazines loaded with dummy rounds, which keeps the weight and feel consistent. I have my practice mags marked and only have my practice mags in the room when I’m dry firing. Then I set up scaled dry fire targets per the drill instructions. The book offers guidance for setting the par time, and once you find your time through a little trial and error, you can start setting goals. You can also run the same drills during live fire training, which bridges the gap between practicing at home and match prep. –Outdoor Life Gear Editor, Scott Einsmann
Yes, dry fire is the cheapest, easiest way to get better at shooting very quickly.
Because there are different goals and purposes that you can address with dry fire, every system is better suited for some training purposes than others. Your own gun and a timer is the best way to get started. But the other products in this review are the best for their intended purposes.
The only risk of traditional dry fire is expecting your live fire speed to be identical to your dry fire speed. This mainly applies to the time between shots, but live fire will always be a little slower than dry fire simply because of recoil. Mechanically, dry fire isn’t harmful for centerfire, but you can always use snap caps or dummy rounds if you’re concerned about it. Rimfire, however, can be harmful, so make sure to use snap caps if you’re training with a rimfire handgun.
I evaluated these systems over the past few months while traveling to teach co*petition pistol classes. I also sought the opinions of other shooters of various skill levels to get different perspectives on these systems as well. I have been dry firing with my own guns for over 20 years and have written three books on shooting, including Refinement and Repetition: Dry Fire Drills For Dramatic Improvement.
These devices all offer unique ways to make dry fire more effective and potentially more realistically. None of them are strictly necessary because you can use the gun you already own to beco*e better with it. But, if any of these devices inspire a shooter to practice more diligently and more often than traditional dry fire, I heartily endorse all of them for their intended purpose. They’re some of the best dry fire training systems, and they make dry fire more exciting and fun. And because many shooters think dry fire is boring, excitement and fun may be enough reasons to own any of them.
The post The Best Dry Fire Training Systems of 2022 appeared first on Outdoor Life.