Unpopular Music Fandom — Musicians and Philosophers Discuss on Pretty Much Pop: A Culture Podcast #134 [html]With the dissolution of popular music culture by the Internet, what is it now to be into music genres that aren’t currently popular? Is it still an act of rebellion, or is even that passé? Your Pretty Much Pop host Mark Linsenmayer is joined by co*poser/multi-instrumentalist Jonathan Segel from Camper van Beethoven, philosopher Matt Teichman of the […]
ht**://podtrac.c**/pts/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.c**/secure/partiallyexaminedlife/PMP_134_8-27-22.mp3 With the dissolution of popular music culture by the Internet, what is it now to be into music genres that aren’t currently popular? Is it still an act of rebellion, or is even that passé?
Your Pretty Much Pop host Mark Linsenmayer is joined by co*poser/multi-instrumentalist Jonathan Segel from Camper van Beethoven, philosopher Matt Teichman of the Elucidations podcast , and musician and Internet DJ Steve Petrinko to talk about our relation to the mainstream, the different types of unpopular music (popular 30 years ago vs. never popular avant garde), post-irony, and more.
Listen to Jonathan and Steve talking about their own music on Mark’s Nakedly Examined Music podcast. Listen to one of Matt’s electronic co*positions from college . Listen to Mark and Matt on Matt’s podcast .
Watch Richard Thompson sing “Oops I Did It Again.” Here’s that attempt to give a 2022 remix to the 80s hit “co*e On Eileen.”
As reco*mendations, Jonathan mentioned Venetian Snares , Steve reco*mended early Weather Report . Read Jonathan’s blog about various versions of The Grateful Dead’s “Dark Star.” Read Pat Metheny picking on Kenny G .
Hear more Pretty Much Pop. Support the show and hear bonus talking for this and nearly every other episode at patreon.c**/prettymuchpop or by choosing a paid subscription through Apple Podcasts . This podcast is part of the Partially Examined Life podcast network.
Pretty Much Pop: A Culture Podcast is the first podcast curated by Open Culture. Browse all Pretty Much Pop posts .
[/html] Source: Unpopular Music Fandom — Musicians and Philosophers Discuss on Pretty Much Pop: A Culture Podcast #134 (http://ht**://www.openculture.c**/2022/10/unpopular-music-fandom-musicians-and-philosophers-discuss-on-pretty-much-pop-a-culture-podcast-134.html)