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Topic: GM Ventures Invests $10 Million In Forge Nano to Pursue Better EV Batteries (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic

GM Ventures Invests $10 Million In Forge Nano to Pursue Better EV Batteries

GM Ventures Invests $10 Million In Forge Nano to Pursue Better EV Batteries

[html]GM Ventures has invested $10 million in Forge Nano, and the two will collaborate on potential atomic layer deposition applications for EV batteries. Forge Nano has already demonstrated the ability to expand cathode capabilities, the most expensive battery cell co*ponent.[/html]

Source: GM Ventures Invests $10 Million In Forge Nano to Pursue Better EV Batteries (http://ht**://www.worktruckonline.c**/10230282/gm-ventures-invests-10-million-in-forge-nano-to-pursue-better-ev-batteries)