SPC Sep 22, 2024 0730 UTC Day 3 Severe Thunderstorm Outlook
[html]SPC 0730Z Day 3 Outlook
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Day 3 Convective Outlook
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
0152 AM CDT Sun Sep 22 2024
Valid 241200Z - 251200Z
Severe thunderstorm potential appears low on Tuesday.
...TN/OH Valley into the Central Appalachians...
An upper trough will shift east across the central U.S. on Tuesday,
however there is uncertainty in the exact evolution/timing of this
feature among various forecast guidance. Nevertheless, modestly
enhanced midlevel southwesterly flow ahead of the upper trough will
overspread portions of the OH/TN Valleys and central Appalachian
vicinity. A moist airmass will be in place, characterized by 60s F
dewpoints. Ongoing precipitation is possible Tuesday morning,
associated with a lead shortwave impulse/convectively enhanced
vorticity max over the OH Valley. As a result, the degree of daytime
destabilization across the warm sector is uncertain. Some severe
thunderstorm potential may develop from KY/TN toward the central
Appalachians vicinity given modestly enhanced mid/upper level flow
overspreading the moist warm sector. However, given large
uncertainty in the evolution/timing of the central U.S. upper trough
and concerns over a recovering/destabilizing warm sector, will hold
off on introducing severe probabilities at this time.
..Leitman.. 09/22/2024
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Source: SPC Sep 22, 2024 0730 UTC Day 3 Severe Thunderstorm Outlook (http://ht**://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day3otlk_0730.html)