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Topic: Ex-CNN pundit John Avlon, who spent years bashing Trump, runs as centrist Dem for red-leaning House seat (Read 45 times) previous topic - next topic

Ex-CNN pundit John Avlon, who spent years bashing Trump, runs as centrist Dem for red-leaning House seat

Ex-CNN pundit John Avlon, who spent years bashing Trump, runs as centrist Dem for red-leaning House seat

[html]John Avlon, who was among CNN's fiercest critics of former President Trump, is running for Congress as a Democrat in a New York district that supported the man he spent years bashing.[/html]

Source: Ex-CNN pundit John Avlon, who spent years bashing Trump, runs as centrist Dem for red-leaning House seat (http://ht**://www.foxnews.c**/media/ex-cnn-pundit-john-avlon-who-spent-years-bashing-trump-seeks-congressional-seat-in-district-that-support-him)