What you don’t tend to realise though, from looking at this boat, is that its multiple deck levels and integrated glass panels are actually hard at work creating a spectacular living space down below.
That is configured around two ensuite owner’s cabins, which are naturally divided by a bright and deeply stylish central lounge with cavernous volume, outstanding light and a high-grade galley.
Now certainly, Fiart’s Classic sportscruisers and Seawalker day cruisers have plenty to reco*mend them, but this starkly original new boat feels particularly exciting. Like the P54, it might be a decadent Med-style day boat but it appears to provide really serious cruising capabilities.
And with its lovely arching gunwale line and flared bow, it looks cool too. As you would expect, each “unique and exclusive” Fiart P48 will be built to order and individually customised in line with customer needs.