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Topic: Disney's spending $8.6 billion to finally buy all of Hulu (Read 40 times) previous topic - next topic

Disney's spending $8.6 billion to finally buy all of Hulu

Disney's spending $8.6 billion to finally buy all of Hulu


Serving as a massive boon to those of us occasionally co*e under professional obligation to answer the question, “Hey, who owns Hulu?”, Disney announced today that it’s about to spend a bit more than $8.6 billion to make the answer “Us, and us alone, at last.” The co*pany will be paying said billions to…



Source: Disney's spending $8.6 billion to finally buy all of Hulu (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/disneys-spending-8-6-billion-to-finally-buy-all-of-hul-1850983099)