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Topic: The French city of Amiens wants to borrow its painting back from Madonna (Read 58 times) previous topic - next topic

The French city of Amiens wants to borrow its painting back from Madonna

The French city of Amiens wants to borrow its painting back from Madonna


The small city of Amiens has sent out a plea to pop-icon Madonna, seeking the brief return of a painting that once hung in the city’s museum. Amiens hopes the return of Jérôme-Martin Langlois’ Diana And Endymion will help its chances in beco*ing the European Capital of Culture, and is turning to the singer for a loan.



Source: The French city of Amiens wants to borrow its painting back from Madonna (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/french-city-of-amiens-wants-painting-back-from-madonna-1850001520)