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Topic: Human Skeletal Remains of the Mary Rose Shipwreck Give Insight to Health of the Crew (Read 19 times) previous topic - next topic

Human Skeletal Remains of the Mary Rose Shipwreck Give Insight to Health of the Crew

Human Skeletal Remains of the Mary Rose Shipwreck Give Insight to Health of the Crew

[html]New application of Raman spectroscopy imaging allows scientists to probe the chemical co*position of sailors lost at sea over 500 years ago.[/html]

Source: Human Skeletal Remains of the Mary Rose Shipwreck Give Insight to Health of the Crew (http://ht**://www.discovermagazine.c**/the-sciences/human-skeletal-remains-of-the-mary-rose-shipwreck-give-insight-to-health-of)