AMC to roll out three new Nicole Kidman ads we'll all have to pretend to like
AMC to roll out three new Nicole Kidman ads we'll all have to pretend to like
It’s a standard thesis of online co*edy that, as soon as The Brands really get their amorphous corporate hands on a co*ic premise, it’s probably reached the last legs of its natural lifespan. (Some scholars refer to this as The SNL Line, a.k.a. the point where a joke beco*es so ubiquitous that Saturday Night Live can…
Source: AMC to roll out three new Nicole Kidman ads we'll all have to pretend to like (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/amc-new-nicole-kidman-ads-well-all-have-to-pretend-to-l-1851296135)