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Topic: Dig in! 20 of the most unforgettable food scenes in movies (Read 32 times) previous topic - next topic

Dig in! 20 of the most unforgettable food scenes in movies

Dig in! 20 of the most unforgettable food scenes in movies


It’s  time again to sit down to Thanksgiving dinner with friends or family and remember what you’re thankful for. Here at The A.V. Club we’re thankful for movies with amazing food scenes that help us work up an appetite. In that spirit, we’ve co*e up with a list of food-related scenes (in no particular order) that…



Source: Dig in! 20 of the most unforgettable food scenes in movies (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/movies-that-make-us-hungry-1849799222)