Almost 10,000 American bank branches shut down since 2019, pushing towards automation June 12, 2023, 01:38:56 AM Almost 10,000 American bank branches shut down since 2019, pushing towards automation[html]Almost 10,000 bank branches have closed in the United States in the last few years, hastening the country's shift to co*puterized, automated banking and less need for bank employees.[/html]Source: Almost 10,000 American bank branches shut down since 2019, pushing towards automation (http://ht**://www.oann.c**/newsroom/almost-10000-american-bank-branches-shut-down-since-2019-pushing-towards-automation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=almost-10000-american-bank-branches-shut-down-since-2019-pushing-towards-automation) Quote Selected