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Topic: SPC May 27, 2022 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook (Read 69 times) previous topic - next topic

SPC May 27, 2022 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook

SPC May 27, 2022 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook

[html]SPC 1300Z Day 1 Outlook
Day 1 Outlook Image

Day 1 Convective Outlook 
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
0747 AM CDT Fri May 27 2022

Valid 271300Z - 281200Z


Damaging thunderstorm winds and a few tornadoes are possible today
over parts of the Mid-Atlantic region.  Thunderstorms may produce
severe gusts this afternoon into early evening over portions of the
northern High Plains.

A progressive synoptic pattern in mid/upper levels will feature two
dominant cyclones and their associated troughs:
1.  A long-lived circulation now centered over the lower Wabash
River area, with trough south-southwestward across southern MS to
the north-central Gulf.  As a closely phased, northern-stream
perturbation amplifies across ON, the cyclone should move
east-northeastward to PA and beco*e an open-wave trough today.  By
00Z, the co*bined trough should extend across north-central through
south-central QC and southern New England, having moved offshore
from the Mid-Atlantic a few hours prior.
2.  A co*plex cyclone over the northeastern Pacific, covering much
of the area from the southern Gulf of Alaska to the coastal Pacific
Northwest.  The main low -- evident in moisture-channel imagery west
of Vancouver Island -- should move slowly northeastward to the
mainland BC coastline north of Vancouver Island by 12Z.  A series of
mostly low-amplitude shortwave perturbations will be embedded in the
cyclonic-flow field to its southeast, as heights fall across the
Northwest, northern Rockies, and northern Plains.

The 11Z surface analysis showed a co*plex, elongated area of low
pressure from southwestern QC across Lake Huron to southwestern
Lower MI.  A cold front was drawn across western PA, WV,
southwestern VA, the western Carolinas, and western FL Panhandle.
The western part of the same boundary has beco*e quasistationary
approximately along the northern Gulf Coast to the middle TX Coast,
to near DRT, and a low near FST. By 12Z tomorrow the cold front
should reach western New England, the eastern Carolinas, southern
GA, still quasistationary near the north-central Gulf Coast, and
dissipating across south TX.

Scattered thunderstorms -- mainly in a
north-northeast/south-southwest line already underway in western
parts of the area -- are expected to offer sporadic damaging gusts
and a few tornadoes.  See tornado watch 276 and related mesoscale
discussions for near-term details over portions of MD/VA/NC/DC and
eastern WV Panhandle.

Activity should move into a moist, low-LCL boundary layer that will
destabilize from south to north via a co*bination of theta-e
advection and diurnal heating tempered by cloud cover.  MLCAPE of
1500-2000 J/kg already is apparent over eastern parts of the
Carolinas, and may expand over southern/eastern VA in the
preconvective sector.  Values will decrease gradually northward to
around 500 J/kg in southern/eastern NY and parts of New England. 

Meanwhile, height falls and strengthening mid/upper winds will
overspread the area ahead of the progressive cyclone and trough
aloft.  Favorable deep shear (effective-shear magnitudes in the
40-55-kt range) will exist for supercells, though deep-shear and
mean-wind vectors will have a substantial co*ponent parallel to the
axis of convective lift.  Hodographs will be long but not particular
large in the low levels over most of the area.  As such,
predominantly quasi-linear mode, with embedded bows/LEWPs and
related mesocirculations, will pose a threat for damaging gusts and
brief tornadoes, while any relatively discrete supercells that still
may form in the foregoing warm sector offer a cyclic tornado threat.
The favorably unstable warm sector will narrow with weaker buoyancy
northward extent toward southern NY and northern New England,
beneath stronger upper-level winds.  However, strong/isolated severe
surface-based convection is possible as far north as northern New

...Northern High Plains, northern Rockies...
Widely scattered to scattered thunderstorms are excepted to develop
this afternoon over the southern MT/northern WY area, with the
best-organized activity perhaps initiating over or near the northern
Bighorns.  Convection should move eastward astride a low-level
moisture/instability axis, and atop a well-mixed boundary layer with
upper 30s to mid 40s F surface dewpoints, supporting 500-800 J/kg
MLCAPE, with even larger DCAPE values.  Some upscale growth and
cold-pool organization are possible.  The main concern will be
severe gusts, some of which may reach or exceed 65 kt.  Activity
should weaken this evening as it moves into a stabilizing boundary

Father southwest, isolated to widely scattered, high-based
thunderstorms will develop today across parts of the northern
Rockies into southern ID amidst weak MLCINH and marginal moisture.
meanwhile cooling aloft and diurnal heating will steepen
low/middle-level lapse rates and remove MLCINH, with just enough
boundary-layer moisture to support 200-500 J/kg MLCAPE.  With
deep/well-mixed subcloud layers expected, strong/isolated severe
gusts may be noted this afternoon into early evening.

..Edwards/Mosier.. 05/27/2022

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Source: SPC May 27, 2022 1300 UTC Day 1 Convective Outlook (http://ht**://