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Topic: Senate candidate, Joe Pinion discusses crime in N.Y. (Read 63 times) previous topic - next topic

Senate candidate, Joe Pinion discusses crime in N.Y.

Senate candidate, Joe Pinion discusses crime in N.Y.

[html]An 11-year-old girl was s killed by a stray bullet in New York. She was reportedly shot when a man riding a scooter in the Bronx opened fire on another person. The young girl is the latest young victim of violent crime in the city.

UPDATED 6:08 AM PT – Wednesday, May 18, 2022

An 11-year-old girl was s killed by a stray bullet in New York. She was reportedly shot when a man riding a scooter in the Bronx opened fire on another person. The young girl is the latest young victim of violent crime in the city.

Stats show New York is suffering with a 41 percent increase in overall major crime so far this year. US Senate candidate, Joe Pinion joined OAN’s Alicia Summers to discuss the root of the problem and what can be done regarding of peaking crime rates.




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Source: Senate candidate, Joe Pinion discusses crime in N.Y. (http://ht**://www.oann.c**/senate-candidate-joe-pinion-discusses-crime-in-n-y/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=senate-candidate-joe-pinion-discusses-crime-in-n-y)