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Topic: George Clooney and Julia Roberts might want a refund on this Ticket To Paradise (Read 44 times) previous topic - next topic

George Clooney and Julia Roberts might want a refund on this Ticket To Paradise

George Clooney and Julia Roberts might want a refund on this Ticket To Paradise


It would be easy to shrug away Ticket To Paradise as something mild and airy that goes down smooth—an easy pick for an airplane watch, or if you’re ever stuck in a hotel with basic cable. But you will find no such pussyfooting here. This movie stinks, truly stinks, and the fact that it had the co*ponent parts to be a…



Source: George Clooney and Julia Roberts might want a refund on this Ticket To Paradise (http://ht**://www.avclub.c**/ticket-paradise-review-julia-roberts-george-clooney-1849678430)