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Topic: SPC Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook (Read 20 times) previous topic - next topic

SPC Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook

SPC Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook

[html]SPC Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook
Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook Image

Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook 
NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
0442 PM CDT Wed Sep 25 2024

Valid 271200Z - 031200Z

Hurricane Helene will pull tropical moisture northward and absorb
into a cutoff upper low in the Tennessee Valley region on Friday.
This cutoff low will remain through at least Saturday before the
pattern beco*es more progressive. The co*bination of cool and moist
conditions associated with this upper pattern will alleviate most
fire weather concerns across the eastern CONUS through the extended

Ridging will result in warm and dry conditions across much of the
western CONUS during the period. While critically dry fuels are
mostly sparse across the western CONUS presently, this extended
warm/dry period may result in larger regions of critically dry fuels
(particularly fine fuels) by the end of the weekend when the next
trough crosses the western CONUS. At this time the forecast
winds/relative humidity are not strong/dry enough to warrant any
Critical probabilities, especially given the questionable/sparse dry
fuels presently.

..Bentley.. 09/25/2024

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Source: SPC Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook (http://ht**://