Out at sea, you can check the accuracy of the GPS by looking at the ‘accuracy’ information screen. This will show a number based on HDOP: 1 is great, between 1 and 2 is fine, anything above that needs treating with caution. It’s also worth checking the date of the charting system by looking at the data screen. Another simple way to check it is to pass a known point or navigation mark and see if the view from the window matches what the screen is telling you.
If slightly further away from land you can check it by using the MFD’s range and bearing function to a visible object or headland and co*paring that with a physical bearing taken using a hand-bearing co*pass, the boat’s co*pass or even a co*pass app on your phone. If that feels a bit simplistic then take three bearings for a three-point fix. Use the MFD to give you three bearings to objects, then co*pare your co*pass result with the MFD’s. It only takes seconds and you have confirmed your position and the accuracy of the system.
Some systems now allow you to draw lines on the screen. This has huge advantages, especially if the weather is poor or it’s night-time, when you can easily beco*e overloaded with navigation and helming duties.
These lines can be used as clearing bearings for a difficult approach or by giving the helm a heading and then marking a safety line on the screen which they must not cross or even drawing the transit you want on the screen as a ‘to follow’ guide. Perhaps their greatest aid is to use a heading sensor to assist with a ‘course to steer’ simply by bringing the double headed ‘course over ground’ arrow to align with the intended heading.
MFDs are far quicker at sourcing information. For instance, the Almanac only shows tidal heights for main ports like Southampton, so for secondary ports such as Warsash you have to do calculations. The MFD gave me the Warsash tidal station with one click.
Having up to date charts is vital. These Raymarine Lighthouse charts were created on 20/09/2023 and can be relied upon for all but very recent changes. If your plotter was installed a while back and the charts haven’t been updated, it could jeopardise your safety.
An easy way to check your plotter’s accuracy is to click on a visible known object and see what its bearing gives. You can then check this bearing by using a handheld co*pass.
If you’re still not sure or want a higher degree of accuracy do three bearing lines on the MFD and check them by hand – almost like a three-point fix but quicker and with no calculations.
Placing lines on the screen for the helmsperson to follow or avoid crossing is very handy. Here I have placed a do-not-cross line in front of the shallows to guide the helm away from this potential danger.
Doing this allows me to improvise a course to steer by keeping the double-headed arrow over the bearing to our waypoint. I’ve also placed a line on the transit we wish to turn in on.
This article How to check your chartplotter’s accuracy appeared first on Motor Boat & Yachting.